Сотрудник офиса Зеленского ликвидирован в зоне спецоперации

@5 kanal
На Украине заявили, что чиновник «пал на передовой...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «5 channel» , more details in our Terms of Service
Andrey Borisovich Yermak
Last position: Head (Administration of the President of Ukraine)
Eugenie Biyatov
Last position: Press photographer (MIA "RUSSIA SEGODNYA")
Eugenie Prigozhin
Last position: CEO (LLC "Konkord Management i Consulting")
Igor Ivanovich Tantsyura
Last position: Commander Silami of an area defense of Armed forces (Ministry of Defense of Ukraine )
Oleg Stepanovich Barna
Main activity:Politician