Andrey Borisovich Yermak Last position: Head (Administration of the President of Ukraine)Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShareMedia Score: LowIf the help which is discussed in the congress, will be simply postponed, the big risk will be created that we will remain on the same positions that now, it becomes impossible what to come, and will be big risk to lose this warIf the help which is discussed in the congress, will be simply postponed, the big risk will be created that we will remain on the same positions that now, it becomes impossible what to come, and will be big risk to lose this war12/5/2023Gazeta.RuIf the help which is discussed in the congress, will be simply postponed, the big risk will be created that we will remain on the same positions that now, it becomes impossible what to come, and will be big risk to lose this war12/6/2023RBCIf the help which is now discussed in the congress, even will be postponed though I wanted to tell if it does not happen, big risk that we will be in the same position where we are now. It bears big risk to suffer defeat in this conflictIf the help which is now discussed in the congress, even will be postponed though I wanted to tell if it does not happen, big risk that we will be in the same position where we are now. It bears big risk to suffer defeat in this conflict12/5/2023To Kommersantj.RIf the help which is discussed in the congress, will be simply postponed, the big risk will be created that we will remain on the same positions that now, it becomes impossible what to come, and will be big risk to lose this warIf the help which is discussed in the congress, will be simply postponed, the big risk will be created that we will remain on the same positions that now, it becomes impossible what to come, and will be big risk to lose this war12/5/2023Gazeta.RuIf the help which is discussed in the congress, will be simply postponed, the big risk will be created that we will remain on the same positions that now, it becomes impossible what to come, and will be big risk to lose this war12/6/2023RBCIf the help which is now discussed in the congress, even will be postponed though I wanted to tell if it does not happen, big risk that we will be in the same position where we are now. It bears big risk to suffer defeat in this conflictIf the help which is now discussed in the congress, even will be postponed though I wanted to tell if it does not happen, big risk that we will be in the same position where we are now. It bears big risk to suffer defeat in this conflict12/5/2023To Kommersantj.RIf the help which is discussed in the congress, will be simply postponed, the big risk will be created that we will remain on the same positions that now, it becomes impossible what to come, and will be big risk to lose this warIf the help which is discussed in the congress, will be simply postponed, the big risk will be created that we will remain on the same positions that now, it becomes impossible what to come, and will be big risk to lose this war12/5/2023Gazeta.Ru123449Related events+75 last weekHeadAdministration of the President of UkraineMedia Score: LowHeadAdministration of the President of Ukraine52years oldBornNovember 21, 1971KievRelationship status: no data535Connections+219 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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