Brothers Anthony Dzh. Russo declared readiness to remove new "Batman" with James Frensis Gann-mladshy

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Directors of Joe and Anthony Dzh. Russo admitted conversation with Comicbook, what not against to work with James Frensis Gann-mladshy over projects DC. "We love it to death. We like the direction in which it is going to change this world. You know that it will be inventive in it" — marked out Anthony Dzh. Russo. Brothers reported that are ready to remove new "Batman" together with James Frensis Gann-mladshy, as Batman and the Spiderman — their favourite characters of comics. Also Anthony Dzh. Russo noted that them infrequently ask about favourite characters of DC. Earlier director general DC Studios James Frensis Gann-mladshy declared that the project with participation of characters of Marvel and DC...