Украинский суд заочно приговорил Майданова

Украинский суд заочно приговорил 20 российских депутатов. Их обвинили в посягательстве на территориальную целостность и неприкосновенность Украины и приговорили к 15 годам...
Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
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Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky
Last position: President of Ukraine (President of Ukraine)
Sergey Lavrov
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation)
Nikolai Patrushev
Last position: Secretary (Security Council of the Russian Federation)
Andrey Alshevskikh
Last position: Deputy, vice-chairman of the commission on investigation of the facts of intervention of the foreign states in internal affairs of Russia (Commission State Duma on investigation of Facts of intervention of Foreign states in internal affairs RF)