February 21: known people who were born this day

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• 1728 — Pyotr III (it is killed in 1762), the Russian emperor (in 1762). • 1783 — Tolstoy Fedor (mind. 1873) Russian artist, medalist and sculptor. • 1936 — Vladimir Resin, the Russian statesman, in 2001 — 2011 the first deputy mayor Moscow. • 1952 — Vitaly Ivanovich Churkin (mind. 2017) the Russian diplomat, in 2006 — 2017 the permanent representative Russian Federation in United Nations. • 1957 — Nicholas Rastorguev, the singer, the leader of Lyube group, the national actor Russian Federation. • 1976 — Smith Ryan, the Canadian hockey player, the Olympic champion (2002). • 1979 — Love Jennifer Hewitt, the American actress and the singer. • 1983 — Lusine Gevorkyan, the Russian singer...