The director Barbarich Albert told about work with Eugenie Ganelin

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The actor, the screenwriter, the director and the producer Barbarich Albert told about shootings with Eugenie Ganelin who celebrates birthday on January 19. They worked together in mini-series "With You I Want to Be Always". Getty Images "With it were pleasant to me. It digs in a role: it is not important that he plays, the relation at him to everything serious. It was my debut therefore it also somewhere acted as my teacher, whether that. Something to me prompted, as well as to many actors. So everything very much was pleasant to me, I remembered it" — Barbarich Albert in conversation with the FAN told. He also congratulated Eugenie Ganelin happy birthday. Earlier, as...
Eugenie Ganelin
Last position: Actor (Saint Petersburg city State budget cultural institution "Sankt-Peterburgsky theater named after V. F. Komissarzhevskoy")
Barbarich Albert