Vitaly Petrovich Shlyappo Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShareMedia Score: LowWe understood that it is possible to make the athlete who will travel over the different countries, – such Russian of Sindbada-morekhoda, and to make featsWe understood that it is possible to make the athlete who will travel over the different countries, – such Russian of Sindbada-morekhoda, and to make feats12/6/2023SmotrimThe Cheburashka gradually gets used to life with Gena, but as any maturing child, starts showing excessive independence, and sometimes even to misbehave. They live happily while their peace life is not broken by an improbable event12/11/2023ForbesWe understood that it is possible to make the athlete who will travel over the different countries, – such Russian of Sindbada-morekhoda, and to make featsWe understood that it is possible to make the athlete who will travel over the different countries, – such Russian of Sindbada-morekhoda, and to make feats12/6/2023SmotrimThe Cheburashka gradually gets used to life with Gena, but as any maturing child, starts showing excessive independence, and sometimes even to misbehave. They live happily while their peace life is not broken by an improbable event12/11/2023ForbesWe understood that it is possible to make the athlete who will travel over the different countries, – such Russian of Sindbada-morekhoda, and to make featsWe understood that it is possible to make the athlete who will travel over the different countries, – such Russian of Sindbada-morekhoda, and to make feats12/6/2023Smotrim1232Related events+0 last weekMedia Score: Low49years oldBornJune 18, 1975Region of Vitebsk Relationship status: no data96Connections+0 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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