Alexander Vuchich called United Nations to condemn new oppressions of Serbians to Kosovo

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United Nations) has to condemn unilateral steps Pristina, and also attacks on Serbians to Kosovo. The president declared Serbia Alexander Vuchich at a meeting with the head of mission of United Nations to Kosovo today in Belgrade. "Belgrade is completely committed to dialogue about what speaks and the shown will to continuation of negotiations in Brussels, as well as all efforts in search of the solution of the crisis imposed by the prishtinsky party by unilateral steps" — quotes information agency "RIA Novosti" words Alexander Vuchich. According to him, the become frequent attacks on Serbians in the region the international need to condemn immediately...
Alexander Vuchich
Last position: President of the Republic Serbia (President of Republic Serbia)
Glauk Konyuftsa
Last position: Speaker (Assembly Kosovo)
Albin Kurti
Last position: Acting as Prime minister (Government Republic of Kosovo)