That there was after input of armies Russian Federation to Ukraine. Day of the 327th

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Gas prices in Europe following the results of auctions fell by 15,5%, it is lower than $615 for one thousand cubic meter. Putin and Recep Erdogan discussed an exchange captured with Ukraine and creation of a gas hub to Turkey. United Kingdom will send to Ukraine Bulldog armored troop-carriers. Over Sevastopol brought down 10 UAVs. As events — developed in translations newspaper "Kommersant". 22:38 . The secretary general of United Nations Antonio Guterres called hit in a house in Dnipropetrovsk "one more example of alleged violation of laws of war" — the representative of office of the secretary general Tremble Stephanie. 22:21 . The state of emergency mode to Moldova will prolong until in Ukraine will not come to the end...