James Nyuel Osterberg-mladshy told how him tried to call in AC/DC group

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The American rock musician, the former leader of The Stooges James Nyuel Osterberg-mladshy admitted that once to it suggested to become the vocalist of the Australian rock group of AC/DC, but he decided to refuse. James Nyuel Osterberg-mladshy told about it in interview American newspaper "The New York Times". "They had a manager many years ago when I yet did not dismiss The Stooges and did not move to England. And this guy told: "It would be interesting to you to join AC/DC? " They looked for the vocalist" — the musician remembered. According to him, after that he listened to record of collective, however decided that they each other do not approach. "Not that that I such: "Faugh, they are not pleasant to me...