New station of water purification in Yemva plan to design by next summer

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And will start building not earlier than 2024. The existing equipment of water purification became outdated long ago, wear makes 100%. Financial administration office administration Knyazhpogost district placed on a portal of government purchases auction on preparation of design and budget documentation for constructions stations of purification of drinking water on Pervomayskaya Street in Yemva. Initial price of the contract makes nearly 20,5 million rubles. auctions will take place on December 20. It is necessary to perform work till July 31, 2023 (it is written so down in one of appendices though in the draft of the contract it is specified on July 31, 2022, but it, most likely a mistake). Before...
Vladimir Uyba
Last position: Head (Government of the Komi Republic)
Anatoly Lvovich Nemchinov
Last position: Head of the district, Head of administration (Administration of the municipal district Knyazhpogostsky)
Financial administration office administration