"Svyatogor" landed "a fish landing" in a reservoir Krasnouralsk

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"Svyatogor" (the enterprise of a metallurgical complex JSC "Uralskaya ore mining and smelting company ", "Management machine-building mining company") stocking of reservoirs continues Sverdlovsk Region. This time the ecological action took place in Krasnouralsk. There in a reservoir of the river of Sald let out 10 thousand individuals thresh a sazan. As the enterprise press service reports, whitebaits were grown up in the Zelenoborsky rybopitomnik in Yekaterinburg. His experts delivered to grind to a stocking place in the special container, having provided at a certain temperature mode of water and giving oxygen. The average weight of the brought whitebaits makes about 50 grams. Lump of a fish landing – near...