Danila Kozlovsky picturizes the novel Eugenie Germanovich Vodolazkin "Pilot"

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Danila Kozlovsky becomes the director of the screen version of the novel Eugenie Germanovich Vodolazkin "Pilot". About it reports information agency "ITAR-TASS". The author of work noted that Danila Kozlovsky also can play the main character. The premiere of the film is planned for 2023. Screenwriters of a picture — Arabov Youri and Sirotkin Oleg. Vodolazkin too takes active part in the project. On a book "Pilot" plot the main character loses memory. He wakes up in hospital and understands nothing. In hope to restore history he starts writing down the memoirs which have visited it. Earlier it became known that Danila Kozlovsky will shoot the movie "Dakar". Screenwriters...