Eugenie Germanovich Vodolazkin Last position: Writer, literary criticViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShare0Media ScoreIt is necessary to have memory and to remember everything. But as we decided that after all everything exists in any reasonable proportions, it is necessary to be able to forget and forgive. It seems to me that it is now very actualIt is necessary to have memory and to remember everything. But as we decided that after all everything exists in any reasonable proportions, it is necessary to be able to forget and forgive. It seems to me that it is now very actual12/5/2023TASSI am the veteran of movement because I for the sixth time reach the final. When you get on the first place – at me were both the first, and the second at different times is the situation close fortunately. Close because the entire happiness does not happen12/6/2023SmotrimIt is necessary to have memory and to remember everything. But as we decided that after all everything exists in any reasonable proportions, it is necessary to be able to forget and forgive. It seems to me that it is now very actualIt is necessary to have memory and to remember everything. But as we decided that after all everything exists in any reasonable proportions, it is necessary to be able to forget and forgive. It seems to me that it is now very actual12/5/2023TASSI am the veteran of movement because I for the sixth time reach the final. When you get on the first place – at me were both the first, and the second at different times is the situation close fortunately. Close because the entire happiness does not happen12/6/2023SmotrimIt is necessary to have memory and to remember everything. But as we decided that after all everything exists in any reasonable proportions, it is necessary to be able to forget and forgive. It seems to me that it is now very actualIt is necessary to have memory and to remember everything. But as we decided that after all everything exists in any reasonable proportions, it is necessary to be able to forget and forgive. It seems to me that it is now very actual12/5/2023TASS1234Related events+14 last week0Media Score60years oldBornFebruary 21, 1964KievRelationship status: He is married167Connections+99 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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MoviesНа закрытии Международного студенческого фестиваля ВГИК прошла встреча с Эмиром Кустурицей11/19/2024People1.2 minMoviesПисатель Водолазкин раскрыл дату выхода экранизации книги «Авиатор»7Дней.ру11/18/2024PeopleMedia1.2 minMoviesЭкранизация романа Водолазкина «Авиатор» выйдет в 2025 годуPetersburg diary11/17/2024PeopleMedia43 secMovies«Историческая личность»: Кустурица заявил о готовности снять фильм про ПутинаEvening Moscow11/16/2024PeopleCompanies43 secMovies44-й Международный студенческий фестиваль ВГИК подвел итогиSmotrim11/16/2024PeopleGeographyCompaniesMedia2.2 minPoliticsРежиссер Кустурица заявил, что готов снять фильм про ПутинаGazeta.Ru11/16/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia44 sec