There was a trailer of "the King of Tulsa", the new saga of founders "Soprano Clan"

@Rossijskaja gazeta
Show original Is published a new trailer of the criminal drama saga "King of Tulsa" (Tulsa King). In a leading role - Maykl Silvestr Gardentsio Stallone. The director - Benjamin Semanoff ("Ozark"), screenwriters - Winter Terence, working at "the Soprano Clan" and "The underground empire", and the nominee 89th Academy Awards Taylor Sheridan ("The windy river", "Yellowstone" and its prequel). The co-producer of "Soprano" and "The underground empire" Kulter Allan too in business. In a word, company the very representative. Maykl Silvestr Gardentsio Stallone plays the New York criminal authority Manfredi Duayt known as the General who after a 25-year otsidka goes...