State of Oklahoma United States of AmericaViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreIt really very serious weather conditions, and they seize squares from Oklahoma to Wyoming and MaineIt really very serious weather conditions, and they seize squares from Oklahoma to Wyoming and Maine12/26/2022Dzhozef Robinett Bayden-mladshyThe last that is necessary for us is that Ukrainians by mistake released the rocket across Oklahoma, having killed our citizens1/14/2023Натан Райан ДамRepresentatives of military department of the USA decided to organize a course on the basis of Fort Sill which is located in the State of Oklahoma. Thereby they confirmed de facto the participation in the Ukrainian conflict on the party of nazi criminals from KievRepresentatives of military department of the USA decided to organize a course on the basis of Fort Sill which is located in the State of Oklahoma. Thereby they confirmed de facto the participation in the Ukrainian conflict on the party of nazi criminals from Kiev1/11/2023Anatoly Ivanovich AntonovIt really very serious weather conditions, and they seize squares from Oklahoma to Wyoming and MaineIt really very serious weather conditions, and they seize squares from Oklahoma to Wyoming and Maine12/26/2022Dzhozef Robinett Bayden-mladshyThe last that is necessary for us is that Ukrainians by mistake released the rocket across Oklahoma, having killed our citizens1/14/2023Натан Райан ДамRepresentatives of military department of the USA decided to organize a course on the basis of Fort Sill which is located in the State of Oklahoma. Thereby they confirmed de facto the participation in the Ukrainian conflict on the party of nazi criminals from KievRepresentatives of military department of the USA decided to organize a course on the basis of Fort Sill which is located in the State of Oklahoma. Thereby they confirmed de facto the participation in the Ukrainian conflict on the party of nazi criminals from Kiev1/11/2023Anatoly Ivanovich AntonovIt really very serious weather conditions, and they seize squares from Oklahoma to Wyoming and MaineIt really very serious weather conditions, and they seize squares from Oklahoma to Wyoming and Maine12/26/2022Dzhozef Robinett Bayden-mladshy12358Region News+15 last week0Media Score12:38:40 AMGMT-6313Connections+63 last weekPopulation3 850 568NewsConnections Tree
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