The Olympic champion Maria Lasitskene is ready in court to fight for the right to make a speech at Games in Paris

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The Olympic champion Tokyo in high jumps Maria Lasitskene declared that is ready in court to defend the right to make a speech at summer Games-2024 in Paris. "I will defend up to the end the right to speak at the Olympic Games. If for this purpose it is necessary to go again to court, we will go" — declared Maria Lasitskene in interview of information agency "ITAR-TASS". She also told that will do in case of not admission before the following Olympic Games. "I think, what even in that case a season — 2024 I will jump to the end and that will be farther … In the today's world it is impossible to plan anything even for tomorrow. But until the end of 2024 I all the same will have to...
Maria Lasitskene
Last position: The professional athlete on high jumps
Olga Saladukha
Last position: People's Deputy (The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine)
 Anna Chicherova
Last position: The professional athlete on high jumps
All-russian public organization "VFLA"
Main activity:Culture and sports
Main activity:Culture and sports
Athletic Federation