Tszinpin Se expressed condolences to the president Egypt because of a fire in church

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The chairman China Tszinpin Se sent the telegram with condolences to the president Egypt Abdul-Fattakh Said Hussein Khalil as-Sisi in connection with a large-scale fire in one of churches Egypt as a result of which at least 41 persons were lost and 12 got wounds, Gazeta China Daily reports on August 16. In the message Tszinpin Se told that he was shaken, having learned about incident which led to big victims. On behalf of the government and the people China and from himself personally Tszinpin Se expressed deep condolences in connection with death of people as a result of a fire and expressed sincere condolences to families of victims and...
Xi Jinping
Last position: Chairman of People's Republic of China (Chairman of the People's Republic of China)
Abdul-Fattakh Said Hussein Khalil as-Sisi
Last position: President of the Arab Republic of Egypt (President of Arab Republic Egypt)
Van Venbin
Last position: Official representative (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of People's Republic of China)
Shilov Yvan
Sifin Abu