Van Venbin Last position: Official representative (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of People's Republic of China)Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShareMedia Score: LowBRICS is the important platform helping the countries with the being formed market and developing economy to strengthen unity, cooperation and to protect common interestsBRICS is the important platform helping the countries with the being formed market and developing economy to strengthen unity, cooperation and to protect common interests12/1/2023FBMWe urge Europeans to speak with Russia about it. It is very important to put Russians and Ukrainians for one negotiating table about the possible world. It is important that Europeans spoke with Russians about architecture of safety in Europe12/7/2023SmotrimThe USA have to adhere to the correct perception and work with China for implementation of the general agreements reached at a meeting in San FranciscoThe USA have to adhere to the correct perception and work with China for implementation of the general agreements reached at a meeting in San Francisco12/4/2023Gazeta.RuBRICS is the important platform helping the countries with the being formed market and developing economy to strengthen unity, cooperation and to protect common interestsBRICS is the important platform helping the countries with the being formed market and developing economy to strengthen unity, cooperation and to protect common interests12/1/2023FBMWe urge Europeans to speak with Russia about it. It is very important to put Russians and Ukrainians for one negotiating table about the possible world. It is important that Europeans spoke with Russians about architecture of safety in Europe12/7/2023SmotrimThe USA have to adhere to the correct perception and work with China for implementation of the general agreements reached at a meeting in San FranciscoThe USA have to adhere to the correct perception and work with China for implementation of the general agreements reached at a meeting in San Francisco12/4/2023Gazeta.RuBRICS is the important platform helping the countries with the being formed market and developing economy to strengthen unity, cooperation and to protect common interestsBRICS is the important platform helping the countries with the being formed market and developing economy to strengthen unity, cooperation and to protect common interests12/1/2023FBM1232Related events+2 last weekOfficial representativeMinistry of Foreign Affairs of People's Republic of ChinaMedia Score: LowOfficial representativeMinistry of Foreign Affairs of People's Republic of ChinaBornno dataRelationship status: no data11Connections+0 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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