Colombia renews diplomatic relations with Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic

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Ministry foreign affairs of Republic Colombia declared renewal of diplomatic relations with Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) "according to the principles and the purposes of the Charter of United Nations and the agreement concluded between two countries on February 27, 1985", transfers on August 11 Sahara Press Service. It is noted that the statement was published after the new president Colombia Gustavo Fransisko Petro Urrego accepted in the presidential palace in Santa Fe de Bogota the Minister of Foreign Affairs of SADR Salem Mohamed Ould Salek. During a meeting the sakharsky minister transferred the written message of the president of SADR and general...
Gustavo Fransisko Petro Urrego
Last position: President (President of Republic Colombia)
Bragim Gali
Last position: President of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (President of Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic)
Salem Mohamed