Deficiency of insulin to Russian Federation — sabotage of Big Pharma and officials?

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At first in the Russian drugstores there was a shortage of an urological preparation driptan which is vital to children with injuries, tumors of a backbone and violations of functions of a bladder, now the picture repeats with insulin. Sanctions? Sabotage? Or there are still any objective reasons? Let's try to understand an origin of preparations with which availability there were problems, and to find out them beneficiaries. Details — in material information agency "REGNUM". Situation with insulin: what happened? Earlier the president of the Moscow Diabetic Association (MDA) Gustova Elvire in interview of RTVI reported about problems with...
Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
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Tatyana Golikova
Last position: Vice-chairman (Government of the Russian Federation)
Alexander Petrovich Petrov
Last position: Deputy (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Mikhail Mishustin
Last position: Chairman (Government of the Russian Federation)
Alexey Kurinny
Last position: The deputy, the member of the committee on health protection (Committee State Duma on health protection)