To Germany predicted loss of millions workplaces without supply of gas from Russian Federation
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The head of DGB Fakhimi declared that companies Germany will lose million workplaces without gas from Russian Federation Chapter of Associations of the German labor unions (DGB) Yasmine Fakhimi predicted loss of millions workplaces in companies the countries without supply of gas from Russian Federation. She declared it in interview to the newspaper of newspaper "Handelsblatt". By words Yasmine Fakhimi, will lead further reduction of supply of the Russian gas to serious financial crisis. "Companies, got record profit in the first two quarters, can quickly appear in a difficult situation, having threatened million workplaces" — she explained. The expert warned that...
Yasmine Fakhimi
Last position: Chairman (German confederation of labor unions)
Marcus Zeder
Last position: Prime minister of Bavaria (Bavarsky landtag)