To Kursk Region inspected State inspectorate of the Kursk region for supervision of technical conditions of self-propelled cars and other types of equipment with the relevant state inspectorates of the cities and districts

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State inspectorate of the Kursk region for supervision of technical conditions of self-propelled cars and other types of equipment with the relevant state inspectorates of the cities and districts Burak Pawel - the deputy director of department of plant growing, mechanization, chemicalixation and protection of plants visited Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. Within visit the meeting with the chief Областная inspection Gostekhnadzor Roman Kovalenko took place. Plans of work for the near future, including optimization of internal processes, improvement of MTB and digital transformation activity inspections, and also questions activity Kursk department were discussed. In the region for the last three years the passing percent THAT of self-propelled equipment grew: now it makes near...
Roman Kovalenko
Last position: Chief (State inspectorate of the Kursk region for supervision of technical conditions of self-propelled cars and other types of equipment with the relevant state inspectorates of the cities and districts)
Burak Pawel