The president South Korea appointed ambassadors to Russian Federation, China, Japan and the permanent representative at United Nations

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President of South Korea Yun Sok Yel appointed the former ambassador in Cambodia Chan Kho Chzhin to a position of the ambassador to Russian Federation. About it reports South Korean agency Izdaniye Yonhap News. The expert in foreign policy Jun Duk Min who was earlier heading the Korean national diplomatic academy, was appointed the ambassador to Japan, professor Seoul national university Chzhe Chon Chan Kho — the ambassador to China, and the former ambassador to United Kingdom Hvan Guk Chzhun received a position of the representative of the republic at United Nations. Now the ambassador South Korea to Russian Federation is Li Sok Pe who directed earlier consulate general in...
Yun Sok Yol (Yun Sogyol)
Last position: President of the Republic of Korea
Li Sok Pe
Last position: Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (Embassy Republic of Korea in of the Russian Federation)
khan Dok Su
Last position: Prime minister (Government Republic of Korea)
Chan Kho
Chzhe Chon