Mkhat named after M. Gorkogo there began big tour round on Russian Federation

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Started big tour round of Mkhat named after M. Gorkogo on Russian Federation. As a part of tour troupe - a star of the Moscow Art Theatre Mikhail Kabanov, Fadina Irina, Gabrielyan Sergei, Maxime Dakhnenko, Markina Nadezhda, Alisa Grebenshchikov, Korobeynikova Helena, the invited stars - Catherina Strizhenova, Catherina Volkov, Agniya Kuznetsova, and also young actors of troupe. "The cities of the Urals and Siberia - Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Novosibirsk - the theatrical capitals with the exacting, exacting viewer became the first cities where theaters are lucky performances from the to "a gold collection". We feel big responsibility,-...