Tatyana Doronina Last position: President (Mkhat named after M. Gorkogo)Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShareMedia Score: LowI am an owner, I know, and I take these a hall because the hall estimated, instead of simply told words undertakes. That is an assessment which through you gets into the auditorium, thanks to your nerve and your workI am an owner, I know, and I take these a hall because the hall estimated, instead of simply told words undertakes. That is an assessment which through you gets into the auditorium, thanks to your nerve and your work9/12/2023MTRK "World"It is necessary that you had always such work which is interesting to you and which on your feelings is interesting to the audience9/12/2023SmotrimI had remarkable, beautiful, talented, clever, beautiful husbands. With each of them I honestly left for seven years … It was as term in prison, instead of family lifeI had remarkable, beautiful, talented, clever, beautiful husbands. With each of them I honestly left for seven years … It was as term in prison, instead of family life9/12/2023Pravda.ruI am an owner, I know, and I take these a hall because the hall estimated, instead of simply told words undertakes. That is an assessment which through you gets into the auditorium, thanks to your nerve and your workI am an owner, I know, and I take these a hall because the hall estimated, instead of simply told words undertakes. That is an assessment which through you gets into the auditorium, thanks to your nerve and your work9/12/2023MTRK "World"It is necessary that you had always such work which is interesting to you and which on your feelings is interesting to the audience9/12/2023SmotrimI had remarkable, beautiful, talented, clever, beautiful husbands. With each of them I honestly left for seven years … It was as term in prison, instead of family lifeI had remarkable, beautiful, talented, clever, beautiful husbands. With each of them I honestly left for seven years … It was as term in prison, instead of family life9/12/2023Pravda.ruI am an owner, I know, and I take these a hall because the hall estimated, instead of simply told words undertakes. That is an assessment which through you gets into the auditorium, thanks to your nerve and your workI am an owner, I know, and I take these a hall because the hall estimated, instead of simply told words undertakes. That is an assessment which through you gets into the auditorium, thanks to your nerve and your work9/12/2023MTRK "World"1235Related events+3 last weekPresidentMkhat named after M. GorkogoMedia Score: LowPresidentMkhat named after M. Gorkogo90years oldBornSeptember 12, 1933Saint PetersburgRelationship status: no data54Connections+34 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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