In Netherlands confirmed the first case of infection of the person with smallpox of monkeys

@RIA Novosti
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© AP Photo/CDC of the Hand of the patient with monkey smallpox. Archival photo Paris, on May 20 - Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". The first case of infection of the person is confirmed with smallpox of monkeys in Netherlands, reported on Friday National institute health care of the country (RIVM). "The first case of infection in Netherlands was confirmed with smallpox of a monkey in the afternoon ​​ on Friday, May 20", - is spoken in the message. At institute did not exclude that infection cases in the country can be more. The official representative of WHO Tarik Yazarevich reported earlier Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti" that the organization knows of 37 cases of infection with smallpox of monkeys, 71 more is in...