"Boris Yeltsin allowed time everything to place in places"

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On the occasion of the 15 anniversary from the date of death Boris Yeltsin newspaper "Kommersant" asked his friends, colleagues and opponents, what them the brightest reminiscence of the first President of the Russian Federation. Sergei Stepashin, in 1994-1995 the director of FGC and Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, in 1997-1999 the Minister of Justice and the internal affairs, the first Deputy Prime Minister, in May — August, 1999 the Prime Minister: — First meeting! On May 8, 1990 Boris Yeltsin, the candidate for a post of the chairman of Presidium of the Supreme Council Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, met People's Deputies from Saint Petersburg. The beautiful speaker and the nice person, it was in a magnificent physical form and...