Sergei Stepashin Last position: Chairman (INTERREGIONAL NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION "IPPO")Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShare0Media ScoreLogic such as I understand - that there was an order that we controlled people. Long ago it was said that it is necessary to allow to people to buy tickets according to passports, at once all is visible. As for the card of the fan, decision, in my opinion, ambiguousLogic such as I understand - that there was an order that we controlled people. Long ago it was said that it is necessary to allow to people to buy tickets according to passports, at once all is visible. As for the card of the fan, decision, in my opinion, ambiguous12/13/2023R-sportsAkinfeev is a half of CSKA, the remarkable person. I would call it a symbol as earlier Yashin was a symbol not only soccer, but also all country. As Gagarin12/14/2023БомбардирI remember also "Spartak" from the 90th when everything fell, and Oleg Romantsev showed that such Russia, and not for that money, which today. We had a hope that the country will get on feet, and then it was pleasant to Romantsev. Then there was an outstanding teamI remember also "Spartak" from the 90th when everything fell, and Oleg Romantsev showed that such Russia, and not for that money, which today. We had a hope that the country will get on feet, and then it was pleasant to Romantsev. Then there was an outstanding team12/13/2023R-sportsLogic such as I understand - that there was an order that we controlled people. Long ago it was said that it is necessary to allow to people to buy tickets according to passports, at once all is visible. As for the card of the fan, decision, in my opinion, ambiguousLogic such as I understand - that there was an order that we controlled people. Long ago it was said that it is necessary to allow to people to buy tickets according to passports, at once all is visible. As for the card of the fan, decision, in my opinion, ambiguous12/13/2023R-sportsAkinfeev is a half of CSKA, the remarkable person. I would call it a symbol as earlier Yashin was a symbol not only soccer, but also all country. As Gagarin12/14/2023БомбардирI remember also "Spartak" from the 90th when everything fell, and Oleg Romantsev showed that such Russia, and not for that money, which today. We had a hope that the country will get on feet, and then it was pleasant to Romantsev. Then there was an outstanding teamI remember also "Spartak" from the 90th when everything fell, and Oleg Romantsev showed that such Russia, and not for that money, which today. We had a hope that the country will get on feet, and then it was pleasant to Romantsev. Then there was an outstanding team12/13/2023R-sportsLogic such as I understand - that there was an order that we controlled people. Long ago it was said that it is necessary to allow to people to buy tickets according to passports, at once all is visible. As for the card of the fan, decision, in my opinion, ambiguousLogic such as I understand - that there was an order that we controlled people. Long ago it was said that it is necessary to allow to people to buy tickets according to passports, at once all is visible. As for the card of the fan, decision, in my opinion, ambiguous12/13/2023R-sports123192Related events+55 last weekChairmanINTERREGIONAL NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION "IPPO"0Media ScoreChairmanINTERREGIONAL NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION "IPPO"72years oldBornMarch 2, 1952DalianMarried toTamara Stepashina460Connections+139 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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