Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekCompany-related news0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreWe now just develop these rules. They this year will be made, next year we will start realizing national projectsWe now just develop these rules. They this year will be made, next year we will start realizing national projects9/6/2018TASSCan look after, for example, a lodge somewhere on other planet. That we observe, for example, on Yamal gas bubbles blow up. It not aliens, it not revolt of cars, and gas which skarplivalsya for years and now comes to light9/8/2018NTVWe now just develop these rules. They this year will be made, next year we will start realizing national projectsWe now just develop these rules. They this year will be made, next year we will start realizing national projects9/6/2018TASSCan look after, for example, a lodge somewhere on other planet. That we observe, for example, on Yamal gas bubbles blow up. It not aliens, it not revolt of cars, and gas which skarplivalsya for years and now comes to light9/8/2018NTVWe now just develop these rules. They this year will be made, next year we will start realizing national projectsWe now just develop these rules. They this year will be made, next year we will start realizing national projects9/6/2018TASS12629Company-related news+137 last weekMinisterAlexander Kozlov0Media Score250Rank positionMinisterAlexander Kozlov1,137Connections+464 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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