12 movies about the person during an era of an economic crisis

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Cinema — as a life jacket on "Titanic": it supports afloat, shows how people got out of financial holes and remained people. In this list of the movies devoted to global economic catastrophes, there are no habitual financial fighters like "the Wall Street: Money do not sleep" or "A risk limit". We collected movies in which people money is more important, and financial crises — only a landscape. Sometimes the apocalyptic. Great depression World economic crisis of the 1930th. Unemployment, hungry marches, bankruptcy half of the American banks, rise in crime, underground trades, quantity growth...
Lars fon Trier
Last position: Film director, screenwriter, actor
Dario Ardzhento
Last position: Film director, film producer, composer\u000aactor
Dimitri Astrakhan
Last position: Film director, theatrical director, actor, TV host
Pablo Trapero
Last position: Film director, screenwriter, film producer
Francis Louisa Makdormand
Last position: Actress, producer