В Самаре состоялось заседание областной межведомственной противопаводковой комиссии

@NIA "Samara"
Участники заседания обсудили предварительный прогноз по весеннему половодью и паводку...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «NIA "Samara"» , more details in our Terms of Service
Victor Kudryashov
Last position: The first vice governor - the chairman (Government of the Samara region)
Youri Ivanov
Last position: Head (Department of Public Safety of the Samara region)
Aleksey Aleksandrovich Veselov
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Forestry, Environmental Protection and Use of Natural Resources of the Samara region)
Aydar Mingazov
Last position: Chief (Federal state-financed institution "Privolzhskoye administration office po gidrometeorologii i monitoringu okruzhayushchey sredy")
Panfilova Irina