Volzhsky district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreIf this option suits you, it is quite possible to consider it. I will talk over with the head of the Volga area, let do troubleshooting, will count. Solved taskIf this option suits you, it is quite possible to consider it. I will talk over with the head of the Volga area, let do troubleshooting, will count. Solved task5/10/2023Dmitry AzarovFrom now on the acting head of administration of the Volga area is appointed Evgeny Kiselyov. Earlier it worked in administration of the Tatishchevsky municipal region of the Saratov region as the deputy head7/25/2023Lada MokrousovaIf this option suits you, it is quite possible to consider it. I will talk over with the head of the Volga area, let do troubleshooting, will count. Solved taskIf this option suits you, it is quite possible to consider it. I will talk over with the head of the Volga area, let do troubleshooting, will count. Solved task5/10/2023Dmitry AzarovFrom now on the acting head of administration of the Volga area is appointed Evgeny Kiselyov. Earlier it worked in administration of the Tatishchevsky municipal region of the Saratov region as the deputy head7/25/2023Lada MokrousovaIf this option suits you, it is quite possible to consider it. I will talk over with the head of the Volga area, let do troubleshooting, will count. Solved taskIf this option suits you, it is quite possible to consider it. I will talk over with the head of the Volga area, let do troubleshooting, will count. Solved task5/10/2023Dmitry Azarov12266Region News+68 last week0Media Score8:01:56 AMGMT+464RUS343Connections+111 last weekPopulation69 789NewsConnections Tree
Volga Federal DistrictРегоператор установил в Саратове 40 новых контейнеров для ТКОVersion Saratov1/22/2025CompaniesGeographyProducts59 secAccidentsВ Волжском районе Саратова утром произошло ДТПSARATOVNEWS NEWS AGENCYYesterday at 1:15 PMGeographyProducts10 secAccidentsДвое водителей получили травмы в ДТП в Волжском районеYesterday at 11:20 AMGeographyProducts13 secSocial policyЖители Волжского района отметили помощь Володина в решении их проблемAIF-SaratovYesterday at 9:39 AMPeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia28 secIndustry«Работаем только на российском сырье»: производитель капсул для лекарств из Самарской области наращивает выпуск продукцииGovernment of the Samara region1/23/2025PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia2.7 minExhibitionsВ Волжском районе Марий Эл пройдет традиционный «Праздник валенка»Mariyskaya Pravda newspaperYesterday at 6:44 PMGeography24 sec
Industry«Работаем только на российском сырье»: производитель капсул для лекарств из Самарской области наращивает выпуск продукцииinformation portal "63.ru"Yesterday at 5:43 PMPeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia1.8 minLawВ Управлении на транспорте МВД России по Приволжскому федеральному округу состоялось заседание коллегии, на котором были подведены итоги работы за 202...Yesterday at 4:00 PMPeopleCompaniesGeography4.7 minLawПрокуратура Саратовской области провела анализ практики прокурорского надзора в сфере исполнительного производстваYesterday at 11:51 AMCompaniesGeography2.5 minSocial policyГлавный следователь Саратовской области поручил подчиненным скорее завершить расследование дела экс-чиновника правительства регионаPublic opinion magazine (Saratov)Yesterday at 11:22 AMPeopleCompaniesGeography43 secVolga Federal DistrictПАО НК «РуссНефть» продолжает работу по поддержке территорий присутствияService of distribution of press releasesYesterday at 12:00 AMCompaniesGeography2.2 minHousing and Utility SectorСаратовские следователи заинтересовались историей о разрушающемся здании театраVersion Saratov1/23/2025GeographyProducts17 sec
Trending OrganizationsMost discussed today108Team SpiritRating: 11-33Mention frequency11-33ConnectionsPlaces41Events31Organizations18People15Technologies12
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