Chances Emmanuel Macron on a victory on elections are estimated at France
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The political scientist Vera Ageeva declared that at Emmanuel Macron good chances to win presidential election At acting President of the Republic of France Emmanuel Macron good chances of a victory at the upcoming elections which will take place in April. So Vera Ageeva in conversation about periodical e-edition "" estimated prospects of the politician of the deputy head of Department of political science and the international relations of FEDERALNOYE GOSUDARSTVENNOYE AUTONOMNOYE OBRAZOVATELNOYE UCHREZHDENIYE VYSSHEGO OBRAZOVANIYA "NATIONAL RESEARCH UNIVERSITY "HIGH SCHOOL EKONOMIKI" in Saint Petersburg. The political scientist noted that French as a whole remained are happy how Emmanuel Macron coped with the crisis caused by a pandemic Koronavirus. According to her, despite criticism, the most part of the population of the Fifth republic positively...