In Ministry on affairs Grazhdansky defenses, to emergency situations and natural disaster response of Republic of Armenia report about 9 cases of destructions as a result of a night earthquake in the territory of the country

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Arminfo. Rescue services of Ministry on affairs Grazhdansky defenses, to emergency situations and natural disaster response of Republic of Armenia from 22.25 o'clock on February 13 for 00:30 hours on February 14 reacted to 9 cases of destructions as a result of a night earthquake in the territory of the country. So, according to department, 5 cases were in Yerevan ". The signal of a collapse of a balcony of the second floor to the address of Vardashen St. 6, 68a arrived. Into place one fighting calculation of rescuers left. It became clear that two stones came off an entrance balcony in an entrance. Rescuers cleared away the territory and cleaned stones. Also the signal of a partial collapse of a wall to the address Artsakh St. Lane 4, 10 arrived. Arrived into place...