Vanadzor Country: ArmeniaViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowThis day exit meeting of the government in Gyumri will take place. Then we also will visit Spitak and the VanadzorThis day exit meeting of the government in Gyumri will take place. Then we also will visit Spitak and the Vanadzor12/6/2018Nikol Vovaevich PashinyanWe consider that in the integrated communities and the cities elections have to be carried out on a proportional electoral system also as it becomes in Yerevan, Gyumri and the Vanadzor. It is necessary to apply this practice in all large communitiesWe consider that in the integra6/14/2019Nikol Vovaevich PashinyanThis day exit meeting of the government in Gyumri will take place. Then we also will visit Spitak and the VanadzorThis day exit meeting of the government in Gyumri will take place. Then we also will visit Spitak and the Vanadzor12/6/2018Nikol Vovaevich PashinyanWe consider that in the integrated communities and the cities elections have to be carried out on a proportional electoral system also as it becomes in Yerevan, Gyumri and the Vanadzor. It is necessary to apply this practice in all large communitiesWe consider that in the integra6/14/2019Nikol Vovaevich PashinyanThis day exit meeting of the government in Gyumri will take place. Then we also will visit Spitak and the VanadzorThis day exit meeting of the government in Gyumri will take place. Then we also will visit Spitak and the Vanadzor12/6/2018Nikol Vovaevich Pashinyan1211Region News+0 last weekMedia Score: LowJavaScript chart by amCharts 3.21.1197years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 18288:44:22 PMGMT+4374 322Dialing code28Connections+0 last weekPopulation86 199NewsConnections Tree×
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