Roman Petrovich Petryaev about the work in a social sphere: "it was not always simple"

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On pages Roman Petrovich Petryaev in social networks its comment concerning transition from a social sphere in Representation government Ryazan region is published on February 9. "Behind more 4kh years of work for the benefit of the region and its inhabitants. Yes, it was not always simple, but service to our region" was and remains my main task, – Roman Petrovich Petryaev wrote. Roman Petrovich Petryaev expressed confidence that at Ryazan Region "big prospects for developments". Since 2018 Roman Petrovich Petryaev held a position of the vice-chairman of Government of Ryazan region on the social sphere. Since February 8 Roman Petrovich Petryaev is appointed the deputy...