In International Olympic Committee scarified idea Janne Infantino - to carry out FIFA World Cup each two years
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International Olympic Committee expressed the offer of chapter of FIFA Janne Infantino to carry out mirovka championship in soccer each two years. Members International Olympic Committee gave the negative comments on the offer from the president of the International Federatsiya futbola at the 139th session of Committee. For example, categorically against such frequent WC spoke: head of National Olympic Committees of Africa Moustapha Berraf, Ryu Son Min (member of the commission of athletes International Olympic Committee) and Nenad Lalovich (head of the Joint world federation of fight)...
Janne Infantino
Last position: President (FIFA)
Nenad Lalovich
Last position: President (International federation "Obedinenny mir borby")
Thomas Bach
Last position: President (International Olympic Committee)