The deputy of Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Sergei Natarov remained in a pre-trial detention center after the appeal

@MK.RU Krasnojarsk
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The deputy of Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory remained in a pre-trial detention center. The regional court left the appeal complaint protection of the vice speaker Parlament regiona without attention. Sergei Natarov remains under guards till February 20 of this year. Measure of restraint to it elected still on December 23 the 2021st. Earlier members of the same party organized petition for the translation of the arrested parliamentarian under house arrest. As representatives of Liberal Democratic Party of Russia in social networks write, Sergei Natarov is worthy it as is the decent person. Sergei Natarov is detained at the end of December of last year within a legal investigation of assignment and waste of budgetary funds in especially...
Sergei Natarov
Last position: First deputy chairman (Committee State Duma on health protection)
Anton Natarov
Last position: Chairman of the board (Rookk "Association vypusknikov Kadetskikh korpusov i of the Mariinsk city zhenskikh gimnazy of the Krasnoyarsk Territory")
Pirogova Vladislava
Political ideology:Patriotism, anti-Americanism, eurasianism, centrism, anticommunism, etatism, mixed economy.
Parlament regiona
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Parlament kraya
Government Agency