Igarka Krasnoyarsk Territory, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowWith resettlement of citizens to well-planned residential districts of the city of Igarka it will be possible to take three inefficient small boiler rooms out of service. On it at us in the city the situation with accommodation of people in wooden houses without modern conveniences] will come to the enWith resettlement of citizens to well-planned residential districts of the city of Igarka it will be possible to take three inefficient small boiler rooms out of service. On it at us in the city the situation with accommodation of people in wooden houses without modern conveniences] will come to the en7/23/2021Oleg SheremetyevClosing of small heatsources of Igarka will increase efficiency of a heat supply of the city as a whole. Economic effect of these actions can be aimed at the development, in particular, and modernization of systems of housing and communal services which the city needs7/29/2021Eugenie AfanasyevWith resettlement of citizens to well-planned residential districts of the city of Igarka it will be possible to take three inefficient small boiler rooms out of service. On it at us in the city the situation with accommodation of people in wooden houses without modern conveniences] will come to the enWith resettlement of citizens to well-planned residential districts of the city of Igarka it will be possible to take three inefficient small boiler rooms out of service. On it at us in the city the situation with accommodation of people in wooden houses without modern conveniences] will come to the en7/23/2021Oleg SheremetyevClosing of small heatsources of Igarka will increase efficiency of a heat supply of the city as a whole. Economic effect of these actions can be aimed at the development, in particular, and modernization of systems of housing and communal services which the city needs7/29/2021Eugenie AfanasyevWith resettlement of citizens to well-planned residential districts of the city of Igarka it will be possible to take three inefficient small boiler rooms out of service. On it at us in the city the situation with accommodation of people in wooden houses without modern conveniences] will come to the enWith resettlement of citizens to well-planned residential districts of the city of Igarka it will be possible to take three inefficient small boiler rooms out of service. On it at us in the city the situation with accommodation of people in wooden houses without modern conveniences] will come to the en7/23/2021Oleg Sheremetyev1218Region News+5 last weekMayor since 2020Vadim Semenovich DobromyslovMedia Score: LowMayor since 2020Vadim Semenovich Dobromyslov96years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 19296:31:04 PMGMT+724RUS+739172Dialing code114Connections+33 last weekPopulation4 975NewsConnections Tree
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