The deputy of Krasnoyarsk city council deputies tries to release the suspect of assignment of the budget money the colleague

@MK.RU Krasnojarsk
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The deputy of Krasnoyarsk city council deputies Sendersky Semen tries to achieve release from a pre-trial detention center of the vice speaker of Zaksobraniye kraya Sergei Natarov. Earlier it was reported, the regional parliamentarian is suspected of assignment and waste of budgetary funds. Sendersky Semen initiated petition for release from custody of the colleague from ZS, and also the member of the same party on Liberal Democratic Party of Russia. He declared that will achieve the room him under house arrest. Sergei Natarov, according to him, is worthy it as is the decent person. As reported mass media in the afternoon on January 12, 275 signatures in support of the politician were collected already. Sergei Natarov is...
Sergei Natarov
Last position: First deputy chairman (Committee State Duma on health protection)
Anton Natarov
Last position: Chairman of the board (Rookk "Association vypusknikov Kadetskikh korpusov i of the Mariinsk city zhenskikh gimnazy of the Krasnoyarsk Territory")
Sendersky Semen
Pirogova Vladislava
Political ideology:Patriotism, anti-Americanism, eurasianism, centrism, anticommunism, etatism, mixed economy.
Zaksobraniye kraya
Government Agency