Выборгская гимназия отметила свое 30-летие

Со знаменательной датой руководство и работников образовательного учреждения поздравил глава районной администрации Валерий Савинов и глава Выборгского района Дмитрий Никулин...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «news online TV "Piter.tv"» , more details in our Terms of Service
Valery Savinov
Main activity:Official
Dimitri Nikulin
Last position: Head of municipality (Council of deputies MO "Vyborg city")
Oleg Aleksandrovich Petrov
Last position: Deputy, member of the commission by training, to science, culture, tourism, sports and youth affairs (Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad region)
Vladimir Tsoi
Last position: Chairman (Culture Committee of the Leningrad region)
Vitaly Aleksandrovich Petrov
Last position: The professional athlete on motorsport
Vyborgsky rayon