The Russian swimmers won krolevy relay on a WC on short water

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In the first day of the World Cup in swimming on short water, which passes to Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates), the national team Russian Federation won one medal. The Russian swimmers won krolevy relay of 4kh100 m. In the final floated Kliment Kolesnikov, Andrey Minakov, Wladyslaw Grinev and Alexander Romanovich Shchegolev. In a preliminary heat together with Andrey Minakov and Shchegolev acted Vladimir Morozov and Markov Daniil. Swimming. The World Cup on short water. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Men. Freestyle. 400 m 1. Felix Aubek (Austria) – 3.35,90. 2 . Danas Rapshis (Lithuania) – 3.36,23. 3 . Antonio Dyakovich (Switzerland) – 3.36,83. Butterfly stroke. 200 m...