Kliment Kolesnikov Last position: The professional athlete on swimmingViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShareMedia Score: LowNow not that form, it was necessary to win a heat simply. Expected such competition, knew: children are capable to prove, results are tightened. But remained it is absolutely quietNow not that form, it was necessary to win a heat simply. Expected such competition, knew: children are capable to prove, results are tightened. But remained it is absolutely quiet11/21/2023RT in RussianConditions of the neutral status from World Aquatics remain former. There are children who are ready to go to these conditions of the international federations and to act. I will be glad for them if they go to the Olympic Games. I cannot go to it12/9/2023Gazeta.RuAs a whole it is happy, proceeding from in what state I am. I am adjusted, I understand everything and I take for granted. Let's look as I will act on Salnikov's Cup. Let's try, be brought, come to higher speeds in sprintAs a whole it is happy, proceeding from in what state I am. I am adjusted, I understand everything and I take for granted. Let's look as I will act on Salnikov's Cup. Let's try, be brought, come to higher speeds in sprint11/25/2023RT in RussianNow not that form, it was necessary to win a heat simply. Expected such competition, knew: children are capable to prove, results are tightened. But remained it is absolutely quietNow not that form, it was necessary to win a heat simply. Expected such competition, knew: children are capable to prove, results are tightened. But remained it is absolutely quiet11/21/2023RT in RussianConditions of the neutral status from World Aquatics remain former. There are children who are ready to go to these conditions of the international federations and to act. I will be glad for them if they go to the Olympic Games. I cannot go to it12/9/2023Gazeta.RuAs a whole it is happy, proceeding from in what state I am. I am adjusted, I understand everything and I take for granted. Let's look as I will act on Salnikov's Cup. Let's try, be brought, come to higher speeds in sprintAs a whole it is happy, proceeding from in what state I am. I am adjusted, I understand everything and I take for granted. Let's look as I will act on Salnikov's Cup. Let's try, be brought, come to higher speeds in sprint11/25/2023RT in RussianNow not that form, it was necessary to win a heat simply. Expected such competition, knew: children are capable to prove, results are tightened. But remained it is absolutely quietNow not that form, it was necessary to win a heat simply. Expected such competition, knew: children are capable to prove, results are tightened. But remained it is absolutely quiet11/21/2023RT in Russian12321Related events+2 last weekMedia Score: Low24years oldBornJuly 9, 2000MoscowRelationship status: He is single82Connections+7 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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