Hughes Luke, Benirs and Pastukhov Alexander were a part of the national team of United States of America on MChM-2022
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The structure of the youth national team of United States of America for participation in MChM-2022 in Edmonton and Red-Deere became known. 25 players, the majority – from the student's NCAA championship entered it. Goalkeepers: Drew Kommesso (University Boston, NCAA, zadraftovan "Chicago"), Kaydan Mbereko ("Lincoln", USHL), Dylan Silversteyn (USNTDP). Defenders: Brock Feyber (university State of Minnesota, NCAA, "Los Angeles"), Hughes Luke (Michigan university, NCAA, "New Jersey"), Ueiatt Kayser (university Minnesota-Duluth, NCAA, "Chicago"), Kleven Tyler, Sanderson Jake (they are University State of North Dakota, NCAA, "Ottawa"), Moore Iain (Harvard, NCAA...
Hughes Luke
Pastukhov Alexander
Kleven Tyler
Sanderson Jake
Moore Iain
Michigan university
Main activity:Science and education
University Boston