State of Minnesota United States of AmericaViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreVoters of this country from Florida to Minnesota, from New Mexico to these places! Having come to elections, you have to resolve one fundamental issue: you want that America the corrupted political class or the people of this country operated?Voters of this country from Florida to Minnesota, from New Mexico to these places! Having come to elections, you have to resolve one fundamental issue: you want that America the corrupted political class or the people of this country operated?11/8/2016Donald TrumpThe public prosecutor of Minnesota Keith Allison retrained charges against Derek Chaven on murder of the second degree in the matter of Floyd, and also brought charges of three other police officers. It is one more important step to justice6/3/2020Amy Jean KlobusharVoters of this country from Florida to Minnesota, from New Mexico to these places! Having come to elections, you have to resolve one fundamental issue: you want that America the corrupted political class or the people of this country operated?Voters of this country from Florida to Minnesota, from New Mexico to these places! Having come to elections, you have to resolve one fundamental issue: you want that America the corrupted political class or the people of this country operated?11/8/2016Donald TrumpThe public prosecutor of Minnesota Keith Allison retrained charges against Derek Chaven on murder of the second degree in the matter of Floyd, and also brought charges of three other police officers. It is one more important step to justice6/3/2020Amy Jean KlobusharVoters of this country from Florida to Minnesota, from New Mexico to these places! Having come to elections, you have to resolve one fundamental issue: you want that America the corrupted political class or the people of this country operated?Voters of this country from Florida to Minnesota, from New Mexico to these places! Having come to elections, you have to resolve one fundamental issue: you want that America the corrupted political class or the people of this country operated?11/8/2016Donald Trump12237Region News+44 last weekGovernor of the State of Minnesota (United States of America since 2011Mark Brandt Deyton0Media ScoreGovernor of the State of Minnesota (United States of America since 2011Mark Brandt Deyton3:04:31 PMGMT-6705Connections+164 last weekPopulation5 489 594NewsConnections Tree
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