The popular scientific magazine "Science and Equipment to Sakha (Yakutia) Republic" was 20 years old

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On December 10, 2021 at Institute a merzlotovedeniye of P. I. Melnikov HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY REGIONAL REAL ESTATE AGENCY; POSELOK SIBIRSKY DEPARTMENT REGIONAL REAL ESTATE AGENCY took place the ceremonial meeting of an editorial board devoted to the 20 anniversary of creation of the popular scientific magazine "Science and Equipment to Sakha (Yakutia) Republic". The editor-in-chief of the popular scientific magazine "Science and Equipment to Sakha (Yakutia) Republic", the chief researcher Institutes a merzlotovedeniye of HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY REGIONAL REAL ESTATE AGENCY; POSELOK SIBIRSKY DEPARTMENT REGIONAL REAL ESTATE AGENCY, the doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences, professor, the academician of Academy of Sciences of Sakha (Yakutia) Republic Shepelev Victor told...