Eugenie Nikolaevich Grigoryev Last position: (District administration of Yakutsk)Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShare0Media Score– most responsibly to approach the relevant structural divisions to all aspects: drawing up and specification of lists of children, schedule of morning performances, complete set of New Year's gifts, organization of the cultural program, etc.– most responsibly to approach the relevant structural divisions to all aspects: drawing up and specification of lists of children, schedule of morning performances, complete set of New Year's gifts, organization of the cultural program, etc.11/27/2023SakhaTimeThe main indicator of measurement of capital education is progress of our children on OGE and Unified State Examination, and it is criterion of an assessment of efficiency of our education12/17/2023ARCTICPOST.RUThe main indicator of measurement of capital education is progress of our children on OGE and Unified State Examination, and it is criterion of an assessment of efficiency of our educationThe main indicator of measurement of capital education is progress of our children on OGE and Unified State Examination, and it is criterion of an assessment of efficiency of our education12/16/2023Новости Якутска– most responsibly to approach the relevant structural divisions to all aspects: drawing up and specification of lists of children, schedule of morning performances, complete set of New Year's gifts, organization of the cultural program, etc.– most responsibly to approach the relevant structural divisions to all aspects: drawing up and specification of lists of children, schedule of morning performances, complete set of New Year's gifts, organization of the cultural program, etc.11/27/2023SakhaTimeThe main indicator of measurement of capital education is progress of our children on OGE and Unified State Examination, and it is criterion of an assessment of efficiency of our education12/17/2023ARCTICPOST.RUThe main indicator of measurement of capital education is progress of our children on OGE and Unified State Examination, and it is criterion of an assessment of efficiency of our educationThe main indicator of measurement of capital education is progress of our children on OGE and Unified State Examination, and it is criterion of an assessment of efficiency of our education12/16/2023Новости Якутска– most responsibly to approach the relevant structural divisions to all aspects: drawing up and specification of lists of children, schedule of morning performances, complete set of New Year's gifts, organization of the cultural program, etc.– most responsibly to approach the relevant structural divisions to all aspects: drawing up and specification of lists of children, schedule of morning performances, complete set of New Year's gifts, organization of the cultural program, etc.11/27/2023SakhaTime123103Related events+29 last weekDistrict administration of Yakutsk0Media ScoreDistrict administration of Yakutsk38years oldBornOctober 5, 1985ulus Churapchinsky Relationship status: He is married91Connections+28 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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