ulus Churapchinsky Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreToday we begin building of serious object — the second turn of a hospital complex. The Churapchinsky area actively develops, the population grows. The new hospital will allow to improve rendering medical care to inhabitants of the ulusToday we begin building of serious object — the second turn of a hospital complex. The Churapchinsky area actively develops, the population grows. The new hospital will allow to improve rendering medical care to inhabitants of the ulus3/13/2022Kirill BychkovAccording to Yakutlesresurs, the order on appointment as the head of fire extinguishing of Lukin N. A. it was not in accordance with the established procedure issued. It returned to the Churapchinsky area from suppression of forest fire in the Amginsky area on August 98/1/2022Afanasy Ivanovich NoevToday we begin building of serious object — the second turn of a hospital complex. The Churapchinsky area actively develops, the population grows. The new hospital will allow to improve rendering medical care to inhabitants of the ulusToday we begin building of serious object — the second turn of a hospital complex. The Churapchinsky area actively develops, the population grows. The new hospital will allow to improve rendering medical care to inhabitants of the ulus3/13/2022Kirill BychkovAccording to Yakutlesresurs, the order on appointment as the head of fire extinguishing of Lukin N. A. it was not in accordance with the established procedure issued. It returned to the Churapchinsky area from suppression of forest fire in the Amginsky area on August 98/1/2022Afanasy Ivanovich NoevToday we begin building of serious object — the second turn of a hospital complex. The Churapchinsky area actively develops, the population grows. The new hospital will allow to improve rendering medical care to inhabitants of the ulusToday we begin building of serious object — the second turn of a hospital complex. The Churapchinsky area actively develops, the population grows. The new hospital will allow to improve rendering medical care to inhabitants of the ulus3/13/2022Kirill Bychkov12127Region News+41 last week0Media Score8:02:46 PMGMT+914RUS8 41151Dialing code191Connections+85 last weekPopulationno dataNewsConnections Tree
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