The bill of visual information considered in the Senate

@Delovoj Kazahstan
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Photo: the Senate press service / Ukibaev Ye. Today under the chairmanship of the Speaker of the Senate Maulen Sagatkhanuly Ashimbaev took place Chamber meeting where senators considered and adopted the Law "About Amnesty in connection with the Thirtieth Anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan", transfers newspaper "Delovoy Kazakhstan". Under this Law the persons who have committed crimes of small weight have to be amnestied. Amnesty also will concern condemned for crimes of average weight which have no negative behavior and the term of serving of punishment does not exceed one year. "Today we adopted the Law "About amnesty in connection with the thirtieth anniversary...
Маулен Сагатханулы Ашимбаев
Last position: Politician (Senate of Parliament of Republic of Kazakhstan)
Akhylbek Kurishbaev
Last position: Chairman of the board of JSC The Kazakh Agrotechnical University of S. Seyfullin
Дуйсенгазы Магауянович Мусин
Last position: Deputy (Senate of Parliament of Republic of Kazakhstan)
Ukibaev Ye.
Shakirov Askar
Ministry of Agriculture
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Ministry zdravookhraneniya
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